Logbook entry

Not So Casual Cargo...

12 Nov 2017BeaverNamedBucky
To: CMDR Tvv34K
       Today was the day not a Trader wishes to happen to their worst enemies. I lost my ship, my credits, and my cargo all in one go. Though the CMDRs is entitled to play the game as he wishes, as am I, I surely hopes that he gets bored of the game very soon, so I won't have to see him ever again. An Elite Fer-De-Lance decided that the only way that he can get his kicks playing Elite: Dangerous anymore is to target the easiest target as possible and make their day immediately worse. Even though I fly an Imperial Cutter, it is nowhere near, nor ever has been near, to combat ready. It's sole purpose is to transport cargo from one system to the next as fast as possible and in as few of trips as possible. No shields. No guns. No chaff or heat sinks. Just racks. So where was the joy in killing such a defenceless ship even you have nowhere near the space to hold the cargo I carry? Just get off. No one likes you, you self-loving, dick-suking cunt whose shall ever be able to mate when his hand grows a uterus.  

                                                            Sincerely, Lt. CMDR Bucky
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