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28 Nov 2017BeaverNamedBucky
11-28-3303 CMDRs Log: This is Lt. CMDR Bucky speaking... I've finally made the return trip back. Where from? Can't say. However, it's more on the lines of "I'd rather not say" as to keep affiliates private. That's off the point though. It doesn't matter at the moment where I'd been, just where I am now. Diabak. Though I'm not on exactly good terms with the controlling faction due to some "lobbying" that I had done a week earlier, they know not to fuck with me. My new family met with me soon after docking for the night. My wing-mates, my dogs. Being a CMDR with many attachments might appear to be counterintuitive in the eyes those looking in thinking, "Family? A home? Those are the things we left when we joined the PF. Why go back?" They are the one thing that keeps me alive. Inside and out. What is the point of going on adventures if you don't get to tell anyone?
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