Logbook entry

Dedication - Chapter 1 - How Many

27 Dec 2017BeaverNamedBucky
CMDR Bucky, slouching, strolls into the hideout-bar that's become more of a home with the year's events. Bunks stacked against the walls with just a wall of old brandy canisters keeping the sections apart. Rations towering like a snow drift in a far corner. A desolate expression clinging to the faces of the families and pilots alike.

Some ideally refer to them as "Revolutionaries" and "Rebels."
Not all though. Most for that matter. They are murderers after all.

For the past year these men women and children have killed innumerous souls on what could only be considered to be innocent.
Tourists, Bridal Ceremonies, Funeral Processions, and miners just looking to make a few more credits to buy their children a new toy, or food for their dog. All of them dead. For the progression of their own goal.

Bucky hunkers down on one of the rotting wooden stools at the edge of the bar, still sweating from having his helmet on so much. "A water would be fine for now," stating, "My body might not be able to take the shock of the other stuff right now," he chuckles to Operative "Granite Soldier"  standing behind the countertop, passing out drinks to all the commanders coming back with Bucky after their most recent flight.

"How many was it today?" Granite asks with a stoike face whilst watching the other Ops enter the den, his finger taping the wood his elbows' on. Counting. "None, surprisingly," seighs Bucky, a tired, depressed smirk forming. "That's awesome!" Granite gasps. "How'd ya manage that?" "I'm not saying it wasn't close," the slight chuckle and smirk now vacating from his roughened face, "a lot of us were brought down to Death's door only to play a little ding-dong ditch with Persephone." "Ughhh... I don't follow," says Granite, confused. "Me and a few other guys had our hulls taken to under fifty by just one guy."

"OI," someone shouts from the entrance to the bar, "Hyde's Back!" And all the faces were lifted above their shoulders for once as their admiral entered the tavern.
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