Logbook entry

It's been a while

18 Feb 2018BeaverNamedBucky
2-18-3304 CMDRs Log: It's been awhile since I've been in back in Diabak. I was at first doing some favors for Federation Unite! over in Ceos, but then I had gotten called out to go help some of our allies in Eta Cass. It's been two days now and the turn out here has been quite impressive. Even our guys who don't have very great combat vessels are showing up.

The LSRS-Fimulventer is still under maintenance, so I've been using my PA Python. Though I do enjoy cruising into a conflict zone with fire-power just short of a Capital Ship, the maneuverability that the smaller ships give me is just so satisfying. The only thing that's left on my schedule is to win the races this week and get my big boy up and running.

While in Ceos, I meet this woman. Danya Valdez. Strange human. She's somewhat sadistic and made a bet with me at New Dawn. If I were to beat her a game of chess I would get drinks for the rest of the night. As you might be able to guess, I went back to the docks sober. Her winning conditions were that I'd have to hire her as my pilot. At least she's cheap. Let's just see where this goes. 
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