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Mail Slot Mishap - A Short Story

19 Jul 2018BeaverNamedBucky
He awakens. Around him, bathed in a red sheen, a countdown ticks along.

“Possible Concussion: Oxygen Remaining: 5:23, 5:22,” Corvas, the ship’s A.I. says in his ever so sarcastic voice.

“No shit I can the the fucking hole in my windshield Corvas.”

Our Pilot here is CMDR Bucky. He is a renowned trader and freelancer for the Elite Pilot’s Federation in the Milky Way Galaxy.

“Oi, Covas! What’s the level our iron and nickel at, mate?”

“Currently Displaying 132 and 223 respectfully… mate.”

“Ah fuck off.”

The Balder, CMDR Bucky’s largest trade vessel had been attempting to leave a station when it came across what seemed to be a new pilot, or a drunk one. Either way it’s flight path was erratic. The Krait Mk.II tried to fit it’s way into the starport exactly when they had been.

“What was the cunt doing? He KNEW he couldn’t fit in the mailslot.”

“Sir. I recommend we head a system over. The authorities have deployed their harpoints.”

“Lock on…”
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