Logbook entry

My first rescue as a fuel rat.

Ever since hearing about the fuel rats I have wanted to join. I've always been one to help others when I can. After joining I expected it would be awhile before my first rescue. The day cake sooner then expected. While out gathering materials to lighten the sensors on my Anaconda, the E/v Errant Adventure an alert went out that a commander was stranded 80kls from a 4 star system consisting of 3 brown dwarfs. With my 58ly jump range I was only 3 jumps from the system that had trapped one of my fellow cmdrs. After winging up with the stranded Cmdr and jumping into the system I made the truck out to his stranded Viper. He was more then ecstatic to see my ship, and a few minutes later, 8 tons of fuel, and some advice on fuel scooping and fuel management he was back in his way.
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