Logbook entry

23/01/3304 - Sirius Corp... Damn Sirius Corp

23 Jan 2018Zoowitchproject
Log 23/01/3304

Sirius... a place I vowed never to go back to. Haven't been there since my Federation days and now I'm no longer [REDACTED........] and as a 'private citizen' I need a permit. To get the permit means Sirius Corp donkey work... and needs must as the devil drives.

There are too many old faces I don't want to see in Sirius Corp, but your past always has a habit of catching up with you.

A couple of data milk runs and it happens. A face that remembers... and an accompanying "favour" requested. Sure, easy credits, easy rep increase, but it makes my skin crawl having to deal with these types. I vowed never to get involved again... but like I said, needs must.

I have no idea who the poor guy was who I took out, nor why he had to disappear. He was a competent pilot, although they'll never find the wreckage or the corpse. Flying back to Procyon and docking at Davy Dock I silently cursed myself as I was handed the Sirius permit and watched the electronic transfer of 500K credits to my account. When I told the guy our business was concluded and there would be no further business he laughed, reminding me that I had said the same thing 7 years ago.

Damn Sirius Corp.
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