Logbook entry

28/01/3304 - Morixa goes to hell in a hand basket...

28 Jan 2018Zoowitchproject
Log 28/01/3304

5 days ago I received the Sirius Corp permit and my business there is now concluded. Pleased to get the hell away from there and looking forward to return to the IPX offices located in Fontana Ring back in my current home of Morixa. Picked up an easy data transfer job, seeing I was heading that way anyway. Credits are credits!

Landed 48 hours ago, and the shit has definitely hit the fan. My main source of work, the Morixa Labour faction is at war with the Conservatives of Morixa. No work available, and anyone with links to Morixa Labour now has a bullseye painted on their ship.  Fortunately, I have a good solid ship and my combat skills are more than adequate to handle these amateurs who want to make a name for themselves. Although my normal contracts are nowhere to be seen, Morixa Labour are paying credits for combat bonds... and work is work. A cool 500K credits is easily earned with minimal damage to the old python. Just like the good old day back in [REDACTED].

Returned back to Fontana Ring to find that trouble had landed. My offices have been burnt out, but not before they had been ransacked. Someone was looking for something... good thing I keep my files securely elsewhere. However, the Interplanetary Explorations offices are no longer fit for purpose and it is obvious I'm no longer welcome here in Morixa, and someone is trying to do some digging into my operations. I've also heard that the corporate eliminations department of Conservatives of Morixa were offering a sizeable sum of credits to ensure I meet my demise imminently in Morixa.

Time to consider relocating... sooner rather than later
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