Logbook entry

28.07.3304 - Dark Comms

28 Jul 2018Zoowitchproject
I've been gone for 6 months... dark comms. No other way really. After Morixa I thought that Yimash was a new start after the whole Conservatives of Morixa mess. What's that old Earth saying... "Out of the frying pan, in to the fire"?

Yimash was a set-up. Somebody wants me dead.

Docking at the station and heading for a cold beer instead of heading straight to the new office saved my life. A vaguely familiar face from my past was in the bar, remembered her [Redacted.....] from back in the day when [Redacted]. She performed the old pocket slip and double shoulder tap as she left the bar. I didn't turn to watch her walk away, but casually slipped my hand into my pocket to find a small slip of paper. Very old school low tech!

Two words... "Chevy Chase"

I immediately left the bar, headed to my ship and departed. Back in the day we used to use ancient movies as obscure messages. Double meaning in the message passed to me by that old face... Time to be invisible and go on vacation.

Always have a bolt hole... and my bolt hole was a few hundred light years away in [Redacted...].

As I hit the FSD for my first jump, my mind stopped thinking about self-preservation for a minute and thought about my sudden absence from the helm of IPX. Crows and Ari would be able to handle things for the next 6 months... They'd have to.

6 months... Dark comms. No contact with anyone.

Now I'm back. No fanfare return. Received an encrypted message on a secure back channel from Rhea to haul my sorry backside in for a debrief with an 'old' friend back on Ito Orbital. So now I'm en-route to Rhea with a handful of jumps to go. Things have changed... the Bubble has changed. Galnet is reporting more Xeno activity, looks like a bug war. I think I need to get back up to speed pronto!

When I get chance, I also need to check that my collection of personal secure files are where I last stashed them. I haven't forgotten about Vynášanie Moreny and that still needs to be looked into at some point...

Now, on to Ito Orbital.
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