Logbook entry

24/10/3304 - Federal Galactic Exports

24 Oct 2018Zoowitchproject
It's been a busy few months...

I always knew that I would be dragged back into my old life at some point. The past has a habit of waiting for the moment to come back with a vengeance and bite you in the arse. My own fault, really. I should have ignored the requests for 'just one last job' but I never could. Those wanting 'one last job' would always add 'You still owe us'.

Fed or dead... no choice really.

Now I'm back full time. The old cover was dusted off, especially for me. So I'm back in Ito Orbital and heading up Federal Galactic Exports. To be honest, it's comfortable back here in the old office. Hell, even my old leather chair survived the mothballing. My old contacts in the East Galaxy Company are happy I'm back and are supplying the work in between FSS duties. Communications are up and running and the nondescript sales messages and encrypted codes are pinged to a number of active FSS agents out there doing 'What needs to be done'. I'm even running interventions myself... need to keep my hand in and the old skills never go away.

I still have those data packages... but I'm resisting the urge to follow these up. Now I'm back in the saddle I'm sure I'll be brought into the loop, and I sure as hell don't want to go and show my hand just yet. Those data packages may be aces I'm gonna need to keep my sorry arse in one piece further down the line.

Mind you, that's if the Bug War out in the Pleiades doesn't spill into my part of the Bubble. I ran into some of those Thargoid scouts a few weeks ago and barely survived... and those Bugs are getting braver and appearing more and more in the Bubble.
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