Logbook entry

[Overdue Update] Secrets discovered... And FEDGAL-X

11 Apr 2021Zoowitchproject
Log Entry 11 April 3307

Almost two and a half years since my last entry... and much has changed.

After years of working within Shadow President Felicia Winters intelligence services, the gig was up. It was time to bail and leave Ito Orbital just before my cover was blown. The reason? God damn Sirius Corp. A very old contact who I used for info before covertly joining the FSS / FIA offices tied to Winters was caught in Rhea. Some minor corporate espionage gig, but something that was going to see him do 5 years gaol time. Turns out he had info to trade for immunity. Rat bastard knew I was previously FIA / FSS for Hudson's office back in the day, and thought that was info to trade.

So the gig was up and I blew Rhea and headed back to Nanomam for debrief and intelligence submission. The 'Old Firm' knew this was always a risk and my operations were high risk but high reward. I know we're all Feds at the end of the day, but we've never ever trusted those sanctimonious liberals. I was only one of a number of plants within their intelligence network, so when I was slipped the message to 'head back to the barn' that was it. That said, I still have lines of intelligence flowing directly out of Rhea and straight back to Nanomam. When you have unfettered access to their monitoring stations and internal networks it's good to keep your bugs in place. Encrypted data packages delivered innocuously through multiple low level channels and bounced through virtual networks in over [redacted] systems.

So, that was back in December 3305. What's happened since?

So the Winters administration was never gonna publicly address this, and the Federal Galactic Exports cover was fully intact. Well, it was mine for starters. A one man band who operates purely with sub-contractors, no staff at that point and very low key. It was a good cover, fully intact and still fully operational and able to operate in absolute secrecy. Thing is, it was too successful and the Old Firm felt that we could build this into something bigger, hidden in plain sight.

November 3307 sees the re-brand of Federal Galactic Exports to FEDGAL-X. We have now gone corporate and a minor faction in the bubble, based out of Ba Jonandja. I decided Ba Jonandja due to [redacted] and how [redatcted] from my Old Firm days between [redacted]. An old friend got us the office space on Bursch City station and the cover guys made us financially legit. I'm CEO now, the official face of FEDGAL-X.

We quickly got ourselves established in the system, riding on a wave of nationalistic Ba Jonandjan pride. This escalated to civil war in the system, with FEDGAL-X fighting the good fight to #FREE BA JONANDJA and in January 3307 we took full control. We now have consolidated our position within Ba Jonandja with security, infrastructure and our legitimate and public front of a trade corporation is well established, with trade flowing into the system and the operation is fully funding itself and making a profit. We are squeaky clean and under the guise of a legit corporation, we are fully operational in FSS and FIA tradecraft.

We even have our own media news channel.

So, we're looking good for the future. I even still get the chance to run my own operations. Gotta keep your hand in the game.
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