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[FIRST LEGACY GALAXY UPDATE] The Legacy of Salvation

28 Apr 2023Zoowitchproject
It is almost 9 months since everything changed... The galaxy changed, forever.

On the 09 August 3308 Salvation detonated the Proteus Wave on HIP 22460. It was meant to be the definitive action to end the Thargoid threat, the Salvation of the human race in the bug war. It worked, but at what cost?

They're still sieving through the wreckage even today to work out what happened, and why everything changed. I'm still trying to work out what the hell happened... but let me explain.

The Proteus Wave initiated as planned from the Thargoid surface site on HIP 22460 b, the Thargoids were dead in space. The ultimate victory! The galaxy watched and cheered as Caleb Wycherley announced success and the bug war was over. But then, there was a second blast shortly afterwards from the activation site.

It is unclear what happened next and what has happened subsequently. Whatever happened, Salvation died that day and the remains of the Bright Sentinel in orbit around HIP 22460 b are there, a tomb and a memorial to all involved at and near ground zero. The last transmission was from the Bright Sentinel reported the second blast, a garbled panicked message that the Thargoids were not dead and then... silence.

A joint coordinated Federation, Imperial and Alliance response jumped to HIP 22460 and discovered no sign of live Thargoids, no bug wreckage, no dead ships, nothing except the destroyed Bright Sentinel and the accompanying escort fleet.

As the days, weeks, and months passed. The Thargoids in our systems disappeared. Literally. There are Thargoids out there, but back in their own systems. Head out to the Pleiades, and yep they are still there. But since the end of November 3308, they remain contained in their own systems.

The Thargoids were not the only things to disappear. As the days, weeks and months passed, others disappeared. Humans disappeared throughout the galaxy. Reports of missing pilots came flooding in, people disappearing from space stations, reports from all inhabited bases and planets. One day they were there, the next... just gone.

Tracking of the Proteus Wave and the second unknown blast from HIP 22460 is the only link to the disappearances. HIP 22460 is the epicentre, and as the waves have rippled through the entire galaxy people and Thargoids disappeared. By November 3308, the reports of the missing slowly dried up. But the galaxy has changed. Current popular theories reference some kind of temporal weapon or anomaly event linked to the detonation of the Proteus Wave and something that was already there on HIP 22460 hidden at the Thargoid Site, others that the Thargoids retaliated with their own weapon or defence system and that this was the second blast wave. Like I said, they are still picking through the wreckage and the blast site at ground zero.

But now the bug war is over and as long as we leave the remaining Thargoids alone, we should be just fine. The legacy of Salvation is that the Thargoids are currently no longer a threat, however at what cost? What is apparent is that we haven't changed and the politics and power plays continue, and the human race continues doing what it does best, screwing each other over to get to the top.

I'm still here in Ba Jonandja, sipping a beer in the FEDGAL-X CEO office, and we've got work to do. The mission remains the same, and I'll be back out in the black tomorrow.
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