Logbook entry

[LG Entry 3] The Sairre Rat Problem Part II

06 May 2023Zoowitchproject
[Personal log 06 May 3309]

Anticipation turns to frustration... That Old Rat Bastard has a charmed life and lives to fly another day. It was all planned, I had his flight plan and I laid in wait in [Redacted] a brown dwarf unpopulated anarchy system with minimal traffic. He jumped into the system and I moved into intercept and interdict.

He wasn't expecting the interdiction, and although he attempted to evade it was to no avail and the old rat bastard was mine. Multi cannons deployed and targeting solutions inputted. It was a pleasure stripping his shields away and listening to his comms. He knew who I was and as his shields failed he begged for his life, told me I had got it all wrong, he was the wrong man, and that he hadn't sold me out to save his own sorry arse.

Then everything went to hell. Those nutjob cultists from the Order of Enblackenment gatecrashed the party, the rat bastard had a wing escort consisting of a combat Anaconda and two Cobra Mk III's. They were weapons hot and I was outgunned in my own unmarked Cobra Mk III.

As this was meant to be a low key simple disposal job I was flying solo, and if I had taken my personal Fer-de-lance I would have fancied my chances. But not today.

Hardpoints retracted, I boosted out to avoid the Conda's mass inhibition and "Friendship Drived" out of there. Live to fight another day, and I'll catch up with the old rat bastard another day. I know he's in bed with the cultists, and he thinks he's got some accompanying protection and muscle now, but I'm patient and this will wait.

Looks like The Order of Enblackenment have some additional problems to deal with now anyway. This morning at Behnken Dock in Skang they have had some kind of incident occur where an independent hauler off loaded a shipment of mining explosives which subsequently exploded in some tragic accident. A fair few cultists were killed and significant damage caused. Also heard reports that they are also experiencing some security problems at Bentham Dock and the station is being flooded with narcotics...

I have a feeling that this is only the start of their problems. I do hope they don't discover any evidence that they have a rat bastard problem linked to their bad luck.
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