Logbook entry

Corporate Expansion [Legacy Galaxy Story Update 4]

26 May 2023Zoowitchproject
[Personal Log 26 May 3309]

The last few weeks have been busy. The Old Rat Bastard issue has had to wait, although my contacts on Bentham Dock in Sairre report that he is still holed up somewhere in-system in an Order of Enblackenment planetary outpost. Rat extermination will have to wait.

So, the last few weeks have been all hands on deck, even for myself as CEO. Weeks of couriering expansion data packets to surrounding systems, coordinating resource deliveries and logistics, storage of thousands of tonnes commodities and supplies from Ba Jonandja ready for expansion. It has been relentless, but worth it. FEDGAL-X successfully expanded into the Tastis system. But things are never straight forward, and before we had even finished setting up the Corporate system office we received notification of a political challenge by a rival Corporate faction, LP 254-40 Co.

As per Galactic Corporate Law and System Legislative Statutes, a flash System election was called between FEDGAL-X and our new rivals. Four days into the election campaign, we were victorious and were able to seize Corporate system assets, our system influence significantly increased. LP 254-40 Co made a tactical Corporate error here, thinking we weren't in a position to hold off an aggressive system Corporate move so soon after arriving in-system. Their mistake is our fortune, as they have inadvertently left the way clear to potentially challenge the controlling faction Tastis Company at a later date. They are also a Corporate faction, which means we should be able to take the system cleanly without an aggressive civil war.

So back here in the Corporate HQ in Bursch City in my personal quarters, the encrypted sub-channels chime quietly informing me of an incoming message from [REDACTED]. New mission parameters, secure control of Tastis and prepare for a further System expansion from Ba Jonandja. It is becoming clear that our operational influence is required in this area of space, and my personal thoughts on this agree. We border Alliance controlled systems, and clearly have issues of an unchecked problem involving the local cultists at the Order of Enblackenment. Their expansion into surrounding systems and brainwashing of the local populace with their messages of embracing the void are of concern for Federal Security Services. There are a lot of small local extraction and refinery systems in this sector, and the Federation needs to secure these resources. More accurately, [REDACTED] needs to control these resources. It's all for the greater good.

Unless I catch a lucky break, it looks like the Old Rat Bastard problem will have to wait. He ain't going anywhere at the minute.
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