Logbook entry

Going for Colonia

06 Feb 2017Miklos Atreides
Heared a lot about the new civilisation experiment in Colonia and the convoi they will start with seddlers end of 3302.
After thinking alot about what I am doing here I decided to give it a try  and visit there bubble 2.0 to see on my own.
Will make it my first far out exploration trip running a bow on the outer arms of the galaxy  and not to stay within the main
stream just to get some marks into Universal Cartographics and to EDSM

10/25/3302 Take of with my Phyton, I set it up for Exploration with a grade 3 enhanced FSD  (24.5 LY). I carry two scarabs and
sufficient weaponary with me to react on encounterments.

10/27 Now around 500  LY from Eleu
remarkables so far 1 Ammonio life gas giant and a Waterworld scanned but without my mark because the catalogue of UC is
shorwing already a name. For EDSM there are already a couple of Landmarks I set.

10/28 position is now  -299.5 / 285.875 / 616.96875.

11/1 Waypoint 1 is passed today IC 4665 Sector FG-X d1-19. Need to turn the course a little more ot get into main stream of
the Orion Cygnus Arm I want to follow. Now looking for a little Yttrium for some longer jumps.

11/4  Adjusted waypoint two after looking up how I did out of bubble and now I am on a better route to waypoint3 , Currnt location is
-776.625 / 483.4375 / 1345.25. 30+ jumps from waypoint 2. Lost another 2 percent of hull for to fast supercruise aborted. I did correct
the course because being at the outer rim at Orion Cygnus Arm and thought it can be better to be more in the main stream where star
density will be somewhat higher. Found underway a coupla of terrarormable and living gas giants. Waterworlds were rarely  but no ELW
until now. But hey... I've just started no 2kLY from Sol right now.

11/8 Entered Bleae Thua BT-D b14-0 which is 3 jumps from waypoint 2right now. Landedn on a moon with a small rim and two deep valeys.
Took a shot to presever this marvelous enlightment. Took a lot of scans but sometimes skipping some Moons now because of their time
consumption they are slowing down systems progress to a certain extend . Distance to Sol is now 2200 Light years so I am scratchint the
10% margin of this run. Before lifting of I will have a look for some Yttrium and then revise waypoint 3 as I do believe I will have to move it as well.

11/11 Current position in the dark is   -1565.84375 / 353.75 / 1774.25. Had recently  2 Waterworlds on Phylur MK-P c6-3 The one was terraformable
but the other had the atmosphere just like Earth 75% Nitrogex 21 Oxygen at 0.75 atm preasure. Gravity was 0.88G so near to perfect. Maybe a little cold
because of its 217K but that didn't seem that much.

11/15 Waypoint 3 reached. Now at Phylur VO-P c6-0. Found 2 earthlikes recently one right behind the other system. The one system was quite precious because habing all it needs. One giant with prisine rings, some metal worlds and an earthlike. 2 Metal worlds were landable at near to 1G gravitiy giving
good results for meterials collection. All withing 2000ls. Quite nice to install a Gateway system outpost between  the Orion Spur and Orion Cygnus Arm.
Distance to Sol less than 3000 LY

11/16 On my last trip I found "Friday" and took him home to the bublle. This time I sumbled across 2 girls in boxes "Wednesday 1 and Wednesday 2" both sleeping in boxes lying around on on moon next to their crashed ship with personal weapons. They will wake up at Colonia when I get there. The weapons  have no use to me so I will eave the 3 containers behind.

11/21 Waypoint 3 is past now and I did jump 170 the that long trip. Found a couple of intresting systems with remarkable planets. Found a face within foramtion of a mountain and took a shot of this will add it later here. My pretty girls are still sleeping life control is still running and they are alive so I am looking after them each day to make sure no bad things happened to them. Was crashed down the thrid time from Orbital cruise because of too much speed. I don't understand because was going in at 50% throttle. This costs another two percent of hull. I am thinking of changing the course and visit one of those new road outposts for a full repair. Lets see what we can do.

11/27 Bypassed next waypoint and now have the Eagle Nebula in front of me. I will take a stop a Eagle Landing for some reapir action Then return to outbound
course. The last 3 two four days I had an issue with that discovery scannter becuase not getting the data I would like to have. Somehow strange because it was leaving out essential information I previously had. But now I fixed it. there was a power shortage on the discovery scanner. After fix data now is going in agian. only the deep scan information for about 3 to 400 bodies is lost.
In former times I was always criticizing all those candy pickers while exploring Now I am 5 kLY from home and start acting as they do. Maybe some kind of Space madness is covering me and I will try to limit it to short phses like 5 to 10 minutes of an hour and I confess I am not better than the others.

12/2 Now on direct course to Eagle Depot. Less than 1000 LY to go. Still at 93% Hull. Implemented a mix of System Scanning as I did on my Trips before with some Kind of 'Crazy Ivan' to speed a little up. So I insert a 10 minutes quick run at the end of each hour. This increses distance per hour by large Portion without to much minimizing the exploration attempt. While going this quick runs I only scan the main star. Not doing the internals even if they look shiny from sysstem map. The next system can be even shinier. Where to make the difference? Hence sticking to this 10 minutes otherwise I would cripple the desired result. Now I do hope to get to Eagle Depot on or befor Sata Clause and then we will see what the effort was worth.

12/5 Arrived on Eagles Landing on December 3rd. put half a million Credits to repairs and sold my 2000+ Objects to Universal Cartographics.  The reward was near 15 Million Credits so my account is well equipped for most things that can happen in future. Got 29 percent of Ranking added and I am sure I will reach
Pioneer when arrivng at Colonia. So overall the ride was now 5 weeks to make 7.000 Lightyears of Distance. Colonia is double distance so about double time
This makes an assumption to be there end of February at best... Taking longer than expected but I want to do that as I do have plans afterwards if not bigger changes are in Colonia meanwhile. Sold my two girls in the escape pods here, they were pretty but a little boring. So I will do some painting to a ball and talk to him when space madness comes.

Now allied with Colonia Council which might help when arriving at other 'Highway' Outpost or at Jaques itself and my name is crossing the galaxy even before I am there. That's good. Or not. Planning to set course today to Gatehouse Nebulae and from there turn into Festival Grounds and then Colonia isn't that far anymore.

12/7 Running to pass the Saggitarius Gap to reach the Orion Cygnus Arm for my next Gateway waypoint. But its still 4000 Ly to go. Since Eagle Landing now made over 40 jumps hitting already Water and Ammonium worlds Now at Lysoosms VQ-Y c45. Had a touchdown and collected some stuff in my SRV. Recently clalcuated my journey and it seems I can manage maybe end of February being in Colonia.

I feel I need to do some more pictures and add them at the right places. But if I start to photograph seriously I will not make it to
Colonia before end of March.

12/29 Well somehow I missed the Cygnus arm but I am more or less on Course to Colonia. Past Christmas but it looks like one of those Lavian Brandy bottlels had turned bad in Space. I got sick over Christmas days not able to do just one jump. Now I feel better again and made 25 jumps today. Navigating the maps tells me that now I have just passed the half of the story if I turn directly to Colonia but I think still I will make a turn towards Festival Grounds before circling on a direct Colonia course. Still there is some confidence to reach it end of Feb. but still a long way to go.
Erthlikes are a rare but have a couple of Waterworlds in my scan database. Let's see if I can reach the nex waypoint before new yearse eve.
I hope so.

1/26 Still out a of sight from Colonia View but checked distance yestderay and found out, hey its only 4500 LY to go. Currently crossing the festival Grounds and start density has increased a lot. The last week I hitted more of unscoopable stars and once I had to side step from course because began to run low on fuel. Roughly calculated I should reach Colonia within the next 200 jumps and practicing quick runs at the end of every hour bypassing moons and most boring Ice-ball only systems has sped up travel a lot. Beside the fact that on this trip I must have already bypassed 4000 Ojects scanned and thing I will have at least 4500 to 5000 before arrival.

1/31 approx. 100 jumps to Colonia. Now preparing for the final phase. I am keen on how it feels to see people again and how it works when it comes to docking at Jaques. Well, Jaques an me we will beocme good friends I am sure, have some of Lavian Brandy spared to sell to him.

2/4 Reached the golden Waypoint on my way to Colonia. Current Rout is set to Jaques a bit more than 760 LY away. System calculates 31 jumps  which means I can make it a quick one. But even if I am exited to see people in ships and stations and a STATION BAR, I will not stop to
scan intresting sights. If I now take a day longer will not really matter.
But there is a question left. What next? Well I'll try to get familiar with the region around maybe I can do some simple business or I'll try some mining in some rings (not at the next door neighbor). Lets see.

I have in mind to cross the Bar after Colonia and then going home one day to the bubble. But this will be another story to report.
Colonia, I am coming ..."4 3 2 1 engage"...

2/4 20:13 Touch down at Jaques/Colonia.  Docked with serverel hundred systems in my Data Hold. Sold data collected between Eagle Landing and Colonia pushing me from Ranger + 88% to Pioneer + 22% netting in 27 Million Credids. I still needs to do an analyses for the whole trip but there are at least 4 ELW more than 40 Waterworlds around a hundred Terrafomable planets and masses of others. Now I lean back and wait Colonias Marked to be reopened from Lockdown, So I can sell my Lavian Brandy I brought with me as well as the Leesti Evil Juice I haven and last but not least the Eleu Thermo Wear I have in my Cargo hold. Should give good profit after 22000.47 LY of distance.

See you nest time.

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