Logbook entry

Destination Unknown day 1

11 Oct 2017Ckr k flex
Ever have one of those days when you just out of nowhere decide to go on a road trip and you pick a random place? that what i have just decided to do. I have been needing a break from work in the Nexus Union and and the occasional Fuel Rat work. So i pick a place about 5K LY out of the bubble. only been about a few hundred so far. So why not? right?

So to start my trip i make a short jump over to Kui Xiani system to swap out my Fuel Limpet Controler to an AFM for the RAT-ROD. felt like a good idea since its all unknown to me. Better safe then sorry right? so with that done and any small repairs, fuel and Limpets stocked. I plot my course and Set out on my journey into the wilderness.

It was getting late and i was stating to fall asleep at the helm. so started looking for a place to set her down and shut down for the night. As im looking for a place i suddenly remember something, a friend mentioned a place that i was hoping  was not to far away. i could not remember why he said to check it out, but i looked it up. There it was Mammon. only 5 jumps away. not a bad detour.

when i arrive i see there is only 1 station in the system and i lock on to it and head that way. I notice its taking me to an asteroid belt. As i get close enough i drop from SC and i see why i was told to come here. they built the station inside of an asteroid. Quite and interesting site in my opinion. after landing and getting the 3 R's  for my ship, i shut her down and hit the sack. maybe this first day wasn't so uneventful after all.
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