Logbook entry

Destination Unknown day 2

11 Oct 2017Ckr k flex
Its time to get going on my trip again. I head to the cockpit and and do my pre-flight checks. i see its all in order and i take off and head out on my journey.just a few jumps later i notice a system that does not appear to be fully discovered. i hope its not a error in my system this time. it has done it to me one or two other times. 90k ls out and i have my fingers crossed hoping to get my first new discovery, 6 planets and a star. Once i get close i scan the star and a few of the planets.  We will see what happens when i get these turned in when i return. None of them were HMC/ Water or Earth-like. But hey, its a first for me. so i will take that.

the jump after that got quite interesting. i happen upon a neutron star. i hear they greatly increase your jump range. so being the first time trying this, i try to ever so gently go through it. As i get closer in pull up and ease my ship into it. next thing i know it feels like me ship is getting tossed around like a kids toy for a moment. i get out of it and it starts to level out. suddenly the computer tell me my FSD is operating beyond safety limits. i take a look at my course and see the my jump rang went from 45Ly's to 169Ly's. well....this is going to be fun. i line up for the next jump and i let er rip. Damn, i wish i can jump that far all the time. It was only one jump, but it seem like the RAT-ROD could handle it so far. Good to know. I give the dash a few taps.  "good job buddy".

As im going i find a few systems with 1 or 2 stars and a few planets  or moons that have been discovered but a few planets left not  scanned. So i decided to take a look at some of them just out of curiosity. A few of them were HMC's. no bad luck so far. i thought to myself "not a bad trip so far".  the few stars and planets/moons that are not explored seem to be around 80k Ls to 100k or so out from the entry star. guess some people don't want to go that far for a scan. it may not have much information value, but hey if your going to explore. why not?

After i found a few systems that were not explored i find myself making distance slower, but i am making some finds along the way. some are worth it, and some...maybe not so much. some may not have much value money wise, but i find them interesting, making it worth it to me. in this vast galaxy there is an unknown amount of variation to stars, planets and moons. who knows what you will find.

I have made around 4 or 5 jumps and found valuable or interesting things. i was starting to wonder how long this would go on for. It was kinda nice. but for the last 5 jumps....pretty bland. A single star, a star and 4 planets, 2 stars far apart. Nothing really to write home about.  At this point i am about 2.5k Ly from the bubble. I have come to expect patches of good and bad spots along the way.
But it is strange how timing works some times. I thought it was going to be slow for awhile and not have any good finds, value or otherwise. And the moment i thought that. the next jump i find 9 HMC's. And they are all under 100Ls away from eachother. then the next few were back to uneventful. maybe i will have better luck tomorrow.
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