Logbook entry

Destination Unknown day 3

13 Oct 2017Ckr k flex
Day 3 of my trip. Im plotting my course for the day and i notice im 2 jumps from a neutron star. good way to start the trip with a nice big jump. and with only one planet to accompany it, but it was a HMC that was only 2k Ls away. and the next was some HMC's also 2k and under. Good start indeed. It seems that so far its just HMC's and gas giants with most if its variants. i think i found one water world. But to add to the list of interesting things i have found. An icy planet with multiple separate rings around it. No value, but interesting

I am rather surprised to see how many system have only 1-3 stars and that is it. i hardly call that a system. Oh well. Im not an astronomer, i just find the things. Speaking of finding things. found my first war world today. took about 4K Ly's from home. but i found one. Not much to look at though, but im sure i can get a nice price for it. It seem like the more interesting it looks. the less is paid for it. but that may just be me. i tend to look at things in an odd way.

well this is something i should take a look at. a random planet that i decide to look at some info on that i just scanned shows that there are some geysers on this icy planet. never seen that before. maybe i should take a look. good thing it have my SRV with me. I start heading down to the surface and find a nice place to land. I drop down and head out in search for them. after driving around for a but so far only found some resources, no geysers as of yet. So after a few hours of searching , i have not found any. I f they are here. some how i missed them. oh well. back to the RAT-ROD and off this rock.

getting close to my midway point where i will turn around at at about 5K Ly's i see that big red beauty that is Traikaae. only 4 more jumps to go.

now this is a good way to end the trip on the way out. A system with 4 stars really close to eachother and all under 50Ls apart.  Its amazing how they dont just crash into eachother. Regardless,  its still amazing. Time to turn around and B line it back home. No exploring. Its been a long few days.

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