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Halloween in LHS 2094

30 Oct 2017Ckr k flex
Well its look like LHS 2094 was to have fun this week. its about Halloween time and they want Fruit and Vegetables, Clothing, and Beer. sounds like a making for a pretty good time. looks like its time to dust off Bertha, my T9. I havnt used her in awhile, she is going to need some checking and maybe replace some fluids. So i head to the mechanics at the station and have them get to work while i replace some fluids of my own at the bar.

The next morning when my ship is ready i pick it up and i head over to LHS 2094, only a few jumps away. I get into the system and and head to Patterson Vision at 34k Ls away. After landing i sign up for the run and start doing some research with my onboard computer to see where to get what they need and still make a profit along with what i can take to the other station and make a profit. after some work i find i can take polymers to LP 486-49 at Napier Enterprise and take cloths back. I would make around a 400k profit round trip. Not to shabby.

After doing a few runs i revive a transmission from some friends in The Nexus Union saying they are doing runs also. they tell me the rout they are doing and it sound like they are making a bit more money for the total trip, but are make more jumps then me. They are doing about 4-5 to my 1. so i tell them i will stick to my run since i don't like going all that far full of cargo. I notice that Napier Enterprise is getting low on cloths and i can fill my hold. Small problem, but i don't like running unless im full. So i hop on my Computer and look for a new rout with other commodities. DAMN! how did i miss this? I can take Conductive Fabrics from LHS to Ross 89 and make a little higher profit of around 30k and take clothing from Ross to LHS for an 80k profit. That ups My total profit to about 500k. it make it 2 jumps now but only 19LS away in Ross.

I get going on my new run and i head to Ross 89 from LP 486-49 and i run there empty since its a short distance. i pick up a load of clothing and get on my way to LHS. While on the way to Patterson Vision i make a call to my friends to let them now about this new rout. "Hey guys. your going to ither hate me lore love me for this". they can tell im being kinda facetious as they replay. "yeah? why is that"? i laugh a bit, "i found a run that not only makes more money then what you guys are doing, even though i can carry less then you guys. its a shorter rout also". They ask me about and i send them the information on my rout. they take a min to look it over and compare to theirs. I can hear a bit of disbelief in there voice but they say they will give it a try. i tel them to give me call back when they see for them selves.

After mostly finishing another trip i get a call from them as im heading Back to Patterson vision. "So guys, what do you think"? they sound quit happy as they tell me. "you were right. we are make about 70k more on this rout". I smile and tel them"Good. glad to hear It, you your also making runs at a higher frequency aslo. So your making a bit more then 70K extra". I have have alot of time doing this and i alway try the find the easiest way to to do something. I tell them "If you even need me to run Dispatch for you again, let me know. I do charge tho, but i can give you the friends and family discount". they all get a good chuckle out of that. I tell them im about to pull into the station and i have to go since i don't run a docking computer. have a maximize profit right. I tell them "happy hauling and fly safe". they reply "you to". i end the call and land my floating Island of a ship and and switch out my cargo for another run. This is going to be a good week.
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