Logbook entry

Forgot About This Logbook Thing

03 Sep 2018Pnaepkin
Bumped into the little logbook app making some space on my main panel, and just had a story to put into it.
By the way, do you guys use the standard Pilot Fed app or do all your factions have a custom one?  I had to check out Utopichat while I was shootin' the baddies in Antal space

I'm using it on voice to text, or speech to text or whatever. So you know in case any of the words come out goggles

So my new badass Krait-II, yeah I guess I just jumped on the bandwagon for easy ships.  Wu Kich, the Family of Wu Kich in a civil war with the other one.  I think they were the Dominion of Wu Kich or something?  An hour of radical high intensity combat zone blastin' and I get just over a million cred after patching holes and reloading rockets.  

Credits that is.  I felt cheated!  I was out there bustin' out the drifts and taking on anacondas solo a la ramming and rockets so the main force could whittle down the more nimble, experienced guys in Vultures.  It sure didn't help that Solomon, my master fighter pilot in training, managed to destroy all six of the Taipans.  I knew he had a helpless rating from the PiFed but I had no idea he would just kind of fly into the enemy squadron and get chewed up when he gets the order to engage at will.  He actually graduated to Mostly Helpless, so I guess he's getting there.  But back at the station, I'm there turning in my combat bonds in person at the desk, since some pilot shut down the telecom receiver for my pad by hitting it too fast.  There's a line a mile long going out the door, but it's not for the Family, which all my bonds were for.  I had to ring the bell to get the guy's attention and he did the Family of Wu Kich signature greeting.  Looked kinda like a two-tap fist hamboning thing goin' on.  I passed him my kill list with all the ships and ranks on it and he didn't even verify them with my automatic video recordings.  Totally not sponsored by Vexity, which I totally use after being denied my very first combat bond.  This dude had Family tattoos on his arms and took a stylus off from behind his ear to start multiplying and adding with a calculator, and when he was done he said the first words in our conversation.

I'm switching to typing this next part so it doesn't make a big run-on or something.
"1 million, 80k and four forty"
I thought for sure I'd get like 3 or 4 million, and I'd be missing out on 6 or 7 if I'd brought a massacre bonus job.
"Really?" I said.
And he went "Yup" and looked back and forth between the calculator and my kill sheet.
It was kind of uncommon, but I knew you could barter for data or materials sometimes, and only a million was chump change for sure.
I asked, "Could I get it in something more tangible maybe?" in the hopes that I might get personal weapons or a new paintjob.
He looked up and itched his chin for a little bit while he pondered that he might have to use his brain to deal with me.
"Well actually you're kind of in luck as a pilot because the Family has a Diamondback Explorer we got to get rid of, used but not shabby.  I could trade half your bonds for it, and we'll call it a Family favor," he said.
Enticing stuff!  I used to have a Diamondback Explorer before I went and flew a Saud Kruger Orca for the rich and famous.  I loved the blocky cockpit and half a million to relive that would be a good deal.
I told him, "Sure!  I do enjoy the Family and their services." and he took most of the big bonds: my Python, Chieftan, and Anaconda kills.  

Ok back to speech-to-text because my fingers are sore.

Basically we uhh shook on it and he told me that the ship was in another system like 12 light years away being safeguarded by some faction there.  He transferred ownership to me and the generic callsign was PN-03D. I showed up and tried to mimic the Family greeting and my contact was all "Yeah sure, your DBE is over in bay 42, lot K" and walked away.  I looked at my new baby and it was horrible!  When I booted it up, the computers said that hull integrity was 3% and the incredibly underpowered 2C plant wasn't even connected to the thrusters.  I had to spend the rest of my combat bonds to fix it up and make it usable.  Then I took it out for a joyride around the station to get accustomed to it.  When I pulled back into the station I knew I had to put some money into this puppy to make it great.  I flew it to a couple different stations and gave it some remote engineering to make it shielded with just shy of 400 integrity, jump 40 light years in a single hop, and shoot 2 fixed beam lasers for a minute straight.  The nose mount became a fixed cannon, but I might change that up because I don't have much experience with the big-bore ones.  At the end of the day the bill was 13 million, but I'm sure I'll get my fun out of it.  I mostly want to use it to hop around to Hudson space and bop around with my little pals in Sidewinders really quickly before coming back to my temporary HQ wherever that may be.  The ship was originally called K-Bar by the Family, but I'm not gonna keep it.  I have to think of a cool name for it.  So that's pretty much it.  I think I'll use the logbook, maybe check out some more of your guys' submissions.  You're mostly explorers!  It sounds fun, much love from the Bubble!  

Pnaepkin, signing off
End. Cut. How do I turn off the
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︎2 Shiny!
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