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Way Whacky Dreams: Imaginary Ship!

15 Nov 2018Pnaepkin
I probably fly more in a spaceship than otherwise. I know, shocking, right?

I think I've always had weird dreams when I sleep. Sometimes they go lucid, and I'm able to reason and think and talk. I've never had the ability to do crazy superpowery stuff in my dreams, though. If I think about it too hard the dream shuts down on me.

Anyways, I had this one wild dream where I was the ship designer man for Core Dynamics. I was wearing some kind of grey business suit with a silver button for my sponsor, so I must have been super duper rich in this world. But at work I'm just supposed to sit in my office and design. I had five different monitors to sculpt with and an open space in the middle of the room to do 3D design in AR/VR. A really old lookin' guy came into my office through the shimmery glass door and shook my hand and said a bunch of stuff that I forgot. He did mention that I have a new task and to drop everything. I think the holograms I had floating around my room were forms of a cheap F63 Condor fighter for the CQC games. The task was to design a Core Dynamics explorer patrol craft, and he gave me a paper with all the specs and walked right out. For the next what felt like 4 hours dreamtime, I started making it, alone in my office. I even stopped in my dream to drink some of the best coffee I've ever had for what felt like a 5 minute break. I never even looked at the paper, I just put on my little VR glasses thing and started with a rectangular prism.

I basically started making the Core Dynamics version of the DBX, so a small size ship with an oversize grade 5 FSD way up in the top back. I should have tried to draw it as soon as I woke up, maybe I would have remembered it better. But I think the form was just a Federal Dropship but shaved off at the top and cut in half lengthwise. It had 2 sets of stubby wings gunship style: one at the top back and one at the center low. And 3 big thrusters plugged right into the back. I don't know a lot about ship design but I started going absolutely wild with the options. I think I cut the fuel tank into 2 sections, so it was a 4C and a 3C at the same time to give 24tons of fuel, and the extra space on the one side was a second living quarter space. It was going to have a protruding cockpit for vision up, left, right, forward, and a little glass panel in the floor. Side-by-side style with 2 seats, the pilot on the left. The software my brain had imagined did all the rest of the work. 7 optional slots, with two of them being class 1. It sacrificed Uslots for hardpoint space. There were 2 Uslots, one on the top and one on the bottom back. But there were 4 hardpoints: 1 large on the bottom nose, 1 medium on the top and 2 smalls that pop out the sides. And then I dropped my coffee and the dream ended. If I were gonna name it, I'd call it the Federal Patrol Ship.

I wish I had one of those really cool rare dream catcher things they make in that one system. I would have recorded that to play over and over and over, and share it with everybody. I may go procure one of those soon enough...
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