Logbook entry

The birth of an abolitionist

27 Aug 2017Daman
It started soon after I arrived back from a passenger mission out to Sag A.

I had taken some scientist type out in my diamond explorer around 18k outside the bubble. A long trip. Insanely boring at times.

Still, the pay was good. Around 17 million from the boffin wouldn't cut it, but with the number of undiscovered planets and stars scanned on the way out and back, I ended up with about 130 million total profit.

So I indulged myself and bought that diamondback scout I had my eye on.

3 weeks out in space makes you crave for the simple things.

On my return to home - somewhere central to the bubble run by some Purple Minor faction who grew to love me due to my love of earning credits off their various tourist missions - I found that once I had tired of bumming around with my new found wealth, after that time out of the bubble I wasn't comfortable in the busy space stations around.

And so I headed for the outer edges of the bubble.

I found all kinds of lightly populated areas - stations run by oddball communist factions, the odd crazy maniacal monarch, a few do good democracies.

And a lot of piracy and all that goes with it.

The slave trade in particular. The unregulated illegal sort. After the magnitude of the expanse of unexplored empty space, finding people in bondage held and abused against their will, suddenly gave me a purpose of kinds connected to my own.

And so it began.
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