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The Galactic Railroad - seeds of a covert movement

30 Aug 2017Daman
After a bit of investigation I have realised there are close to, maybe more than, 2000 slave trading stations around in anarchic space.

Thats a lot of revolution to take place with one commander.

Its pretty clear that I am going to need help to make any kind of dent in this inhumane crime.

The thing is - going around the universe, system by system, trying to ferment revolt needs dedication. Most commanders are either after credits, kills, or pushing the political agenda of a major power faction.

This work is none of the above. Sure, you will make a few credits here and there - but you can make much more elsewhere.

You will have to kill, revolutions need blood to feed them - but theres a lot of work to ignite the flames, and the battles may not be regular.

Political agenda? To get rid of the slavers, you need to push some other faction into power. But you can only have a negative agenda - get rid of the pirate scum - and not a positive one such as supporting x or y faction or ideology.

This work is about the greater evil - getting the slavers out. If that means putting in some other faction who you have to hold your nose over - so be it. One day you may be helping communist factions, another day some faceless corporation and yet another day some form of democracy.

Neutrality is an imperative to have the widest possible array of options - and not to rely on any particular faction or power. We are dealing with anarchic space here.

With all the above in mind - its going to be difficult to win dedicated recruits. Especially when this is going to be a covert movement, not seen in public.

But there will be temporary alliances, and other commanders who will pitch in when interests overlap, or when they are able.

That is fine - as a result of my initial investigations and whispering across comms channels, there are already a few lined up and working for the cause.

The movement just needs a name. I think I remember from my studies of Ancient History there was an anti-slavery movement a couple of eras ago that inspired people. I think it was called the underground railhouse or railroad or something.

The Galactic railroad has to be born. I guess I will have to co-ordinate whatever small efforts we can make. Even if its one or two commanders on their journey, when others see the blood and sweat, and dedication, others may try to contact us to join and work, silently.

And if not, we'll see how much difference one can make.
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