Logbook entry


01 Sep 2017Daman
Running missions between these anarchy systems naturally leads to heading back into more civilized space to complete whatever it is I picked up. And so one mission took me into a federation controlled system, with the station controlled by a fed faction.

After delivering my goods, I head down to the market.

And find slaves being sold.

In Fed space. By a democratic faction.

OK - these were the rare Master Chefs who are born and bred to cook, and only seem to find satisfaction in their servitude.

But all the same.

And of course while running between stations in the anarchic systems, I have sometimes been asked to transport or supply slaves by fed and other factions - while they don't control the system, I don't believe they should be indulging in the slave trade.

All of this has just convinced me further - stay independent.

Fight for the little person, the forgotten person, the one who isn't on the agenda of one of the powers at this time because they are enslaved in some far flung out HIP 999898XYZ system not of interest to anyone, or stuck in the heart of a strong pirate faction and so are too problematic to free.

These are our people. They are who the railroad works for.
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