Logbook entry

CMDR BROWN - The Hero of Hraean

08 Sep 2017Daman
Its safe enough for me to record the details now.

For the sake of history - a record of the Railroad's first victory came at Hraean.

The Silver Hand Gang was infamous for their corruption, greed, lack of moral scruples, kidnapping and enslaving,

All round nasty guys.

And there was always a lack of toothpaste around in Hraean as well.

After scouting the area, we found allies in the I 14 Orionis faction, well established in their home system and equally disgusted by the Silver Gangs lack of humanity and hygiene.

I decided to target the system and aid my new found allies in trying to undermine the Silver Hand Gang.

At around the same time, I was contacted by another commander who wanted to take up the good fight against slavery. I have no idea of his name - nor he mine. From now on I will refer to him as Cmdr. Brown.

Cmdr. Brown strikes me as the grizzly galactic veteran. Been there. Done that. Now looking to do something for the good of others.

War came to Hraean quicker than we expected. Actually - maybe we should have expected it given how popular the Silver Gang were.

Practically singlehandedly, Cmdr Brown took down the Silver Gang in the ensuing battles. I don't know what he was flying - it has to be a Conda or larger.

Sure I put in some effort - but the victory was so overwhelming, it must have been down to the railroad's first operative, and first hero.

The Hero of Hraean - Cmdr. Brown.
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