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Pegasi Slave Rebellion [1] The Railroad and Black Omega - Too much, too soon?

13 Sep 2017Daman
I never intended to attract the attention of Black Omega when starting out. A few words here, a few questions there and the wrong ears listening.

Upon hearing about my personal crusade, word spread that Black Omega and the (in)famous Marra were threatening to open a new slave market for every one we would close.

As an explorer, I had not heard of Omega, Marra or any of this clan before. Investigation shows they are based in Tjakiri, control 17 systems, more than 20 stations, and are present in a number of others.

Not the kind of opponents for 1 man and his pipe dreams.

Still, I didn't go looking for them. Yet upon hearing about me, they proceeded to threaten both myself and any of the railroad's work.

The Railroad started up. Cmdr Brown led us to victory. We have flipped a number of systems so far, and achieved real freedom for some of our fellow people. 4 so far, and more on the way.

But Black Omega is not the Jet Mafia or HIP whatever Pirates. They have several dedicated members and work in a committed manner to spread their anarchy.

The Railroad is still just a rag tag collection of individuals doing their best for the love of their fellow man - but we number less than the fingers of a one handed man. How many will last the struggle.

Take on the Omega? Too much, too soon?

Its in such decisions that lives and dreams are either made or broken.

Its too late to reverse. The die has been cast.
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