Logbook entry

Pegasi Slave Rebellion [7] - The Incessant Drums of War

07 Oct 2017Daman
Promising to set fire to the Pegasi. Not that difficult a promise to fulfill. But to what end?

The war in Parana smoldered to its conclusion. Another rout of Black Omega forces.

The lack of resistance was puzzling. This was a system that Omega had previously targeted, and so was of some importance.

It is most likely that they have taken the tactical decision to pull back and focus upon defending core areas rather than spend resources elsewhere. In one sense, that is a good result for us. The Railroad has affected Omega to the extent that they are now reacting to our moves, rather than moving proactively.

In the meantime, the Railroad is growing more capable with every conflict.

But this is now 3 wars with limited material progress.

Wongo was a bloody sacrifice to assess our enemies and focus upon liberating a station in Omega space.

Kun and Parana were battles in an ongoing war of attrition, carried out to bleed Omega resources and influences within the systems they control.

The next war needs to be more meaningful from the perspective of assets - we need to start converting our wins now into progress on the ground so to speak.

Commander Brown's sword grows restless. War fatigue is setting in. Our operatives have to tighten their belts.

The attrition is just beginning, and we await our next setback.

Its been too easy so far.
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