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Pegasi Slave Rebellion [8] - Unkto liberation; And Concluding Peace Negotiations with Black Omega

14 Oct 2017Daman
So much has happened since my previous entry.

The Unkto system is the first system to have been liberated from Black Omega control – fitting, as Unkto was the first main target of Commander Brown.

More importantly – there has been an accord agreed with the Omega leadership, which they announced in an APB.

While in public comms I had parlayed with a few of the Omega foot soldiers, there had been a private comms channel open for some time with their leadership. Both sides understood that every conflict has to end, and any rebellion or internal strife is normally resolved through negotiations.

To bring them to the negotiating table, alongside numerous other activities the Railroad went straight for Omega’s beating heart – Clair dock in Tjakiri.  We had nothing to lose, while Omega could see our effects across their systems, with their leadership perhaps considering that a quicker end would allow them to regain their stability and pursue their activities unhindered rather than being entrenched in a series of conflicts for months to come.

While Railroad activists certainly don’t have any time for this “private mercenary” band of pirates, we came to the conclusion that if we were able to negotiate some form of bill of rights for the slaves in their territories, their control over a number of systems in the Pegasi would be much more preferable than that of the random small pirate factions who could not be regulated at all.

Also – while we were an insurgency, there was very little for Omega to aim at. Once we started to liberate systems, we would have to defend them against Omega, drawing us into a more protracted conflict.

The details of the negotiations meant we could guarantee the liberation of a small number of systems, which Omega would then protect once the Railroad left the area. This “liberation core” in the Pegasi would, hopefully, become a sanctuary and safe haven for the slaves freed from Omega territory at the end of their tenure of bonded labour – as part of the “bill of rights” we negotiated that any slave held in Omega territory had to be decently treated and sold to freedom at the end of 5 years of servitude.

It was not perfect. Nothing is. But at least we managed to bring some hope to many who had none before.

Maybe we can say that when we leave the Pegasi, it will be a slightly better place due to the efforts of the Railroad. If that is the case, maybe these scars will be easier to wear.

The words of Commander Brown will at least be of some comfort when reflecting upon what had to be done to get us here – “Congratulations Daman. You can be proud of your achievement, and behaviour throughout this conflict.”

For the sake of historical record – this was part of the final Railroad communique relating to the rebellion in the Pegasi:

“Black Omega leadership contacted us through private comms channels, requesting an end to hostilities. As was mentioned in previous communiques, we targetted Tjakiri as a way to put pressure on the heart of the organisation. The fact we were able to do so effectively, pushed our foes to look for a political solution.

Based upon feedback from activists, we made a number of demands, a satisfactory number of which were ultimately fulfilled….

The details are as follows:

1. A bill of rights for any slaves in Omega territory: That they will sell any slaves to our liberated systems after 5 years of bondage, and treat and feed them humanely while in their service.

This was the most important concession. Whatever the future of Omega, we can be assured that while our fellows may not have their immediate freedom, they will be as well treated as possible and also have a guarantee of freedom after 5 years of bondage.

As for the Railroad - once we have liberated the agreed systems we will stand down and vacate the Omega area of the Pegasi. We will also stand down from attacking their remaining systems immediately.

The Omega propaganda has claimed we are terrorists. For our part - we regret the trauma caused, but the freedom of our fellow man came with its cost in blood money. While we have no pride in those actions, those freed men and women and those who will be freed as the result of the bill of rights will consider it a price well worth paying.

If Omega is found to break this agreement, then the Railroad reserves the right to restart activities in the Pegasi against their interests.


Congratulations and thanks to all activists and operatives.

This victory belongs to you.”

[OOC - thanks to all who participated, was a good time. Especially thanks to Omega for being good sports about the whole thing.]
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