Cmdr Martind Forlon
Special agent / Mercenary
Registered ship name
Credit balance
Elite V
Registered ship ID
Federal Corvette MF-13
Overall assets
Ghost Legion

Logbook entry

Titan Oya destruction is imminent !!!

21 Apr 2024Martind Forlon
Greetings Commanders,

for those who like to witness by yourself destruction of third Thargoid mothership - Titan Oya, which more as year ago invaded human inhabited Bubble in Milky Way and started local mayhem and destruction of many human settlements, is below given estimated time of his destruction. I advise arrrive little earlier to location of the titan in the Cephei Sector BV-Y b4 System, you will need fly in supercruise 6k ls with numerous interdictions along the way, ... and do not forget to bring along sunglasses and bucket of popcorn!

Titan Oya destruction is expected today around 15:30 UTC time.

... and just one small last advice: add to your ship few caustic sink launchers, toxic cloud around the titan is still present and deadly.

And as a small preview of what you can expect to experience ... footage of small part of destruction of the second destroyed Titan_Legioning
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