Logbook entry

Dec 30, 3303: Mining, listening post found

30 Dec 2017Cyphermox
I guess I really should start to keep better logs of my work...

But it's just been really long since I left Whatt & Prittney now, and I really did take things "easy" for a while. Nothing like just shooting the breeze, doing whatever you want with a nice, responsive ship to really relax.

I came back from trying out the new drives in the Good Intent around Synuefe sector looking for these ruins Ram Tah was asking about. It was fun, I did make some pretty interesting discoveries, and turns out these modified drives work really well. I'm sure I could milk out a few more lightyears by tweaking it some more, but it really was planned for the Equinox anyway, not for Good Intent. Switching the FSD around will be a bitch, and it's not even going to get the same performance, but at least now the Equinox will be even shinier... And for all that goofing around for fun, I even got promoted to Pioneer Explorer. Nice.

But I digress.

I did the reorg of the modules between my two ships with the help of the Outfitting department at Polyakov Orbital; outfitted the Equinox for mining. I'm following this tipoff by my friend, apparently HIP 105408 is a good mining spot... And it turns out it really is. I made a decent chunk after I convinced pirates to leave me alone. I also noticed something on the way: there was this weird message from the listening post orbiting HIP 105408 2 b. I'm going to have a look, that should be another decent test for the mods we made to the Equinox. I could even get some good data for our group.

End of log; Cyphermox out.
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