Logbook entry

Dec 31, 3303: California

31 Dec 2017Cyphermox
I'm still waiting for the Corporation to show itself again. Seems they are all off just doing their thing, so why the hell shouldn't I do the same? Mig wanted some help mining, but he hasn't showed up again yet, and didn't leave me a message at Binney, so too bad (at least for now).

I decided to make my way to the California nebula, and do my part to help the rescue efforts there. It wasn't too bad a trip. I was actually a little bit surprised, but a lot happier, to see just how well these drive modifications are working out. I even did a short trip back to see Felicity and get her help to do the same to another module so I could outfit another of my ships.

So I left HIP 105408, stopped by Blackmount Orbital for refueling and repairs (some clown interdicted me right by the station, and I couldn't do much more than run into the rings. That was seriously scary. I lost some hull, and went hurtling to an asteroid. Stopped just in time.) I just had to stop there for a bit: it's a decent place. I've always liked asteroid bases, even if they're so noisy... And the people there were happy. Concerned, but happy. I can't blame them, the Thargoids attacking orbital bases around the Pleiades is damn bad. I kind of understand now why INRA did what they did... I won't excuse it, but I understand. These... things... have to be stopped from attacking us. Weeks ago I did help some other friends fight them off, it was terrible. We couldn't do much more than run away after a while, limping back to a station to lick our wounds. I've never been for killing things for the fun of it, never will be; but I needed to know how this was going, knowing the dangers awaiting when you go near these things, and getting more information about them. Are they really evil things hell bound on destroying human civilisation? Sure looks like it, but there was this oddness in the way some react that made it look like maybe things weren't so simple.

For one thing, months ago I also did participate in rescue operations in the Pleiades, and even if I stayed the hell away from Thargoids, you could already see that they really were after something in particular. Not sure what. I saw quickly enough that you just couldn't rescue everyone, and that if you stayed far enough away from these things after they scanned you, you could salvage escape pods and whatnot safely enough... if you were quick enough to run away afterwards.

So once I reached the Darwin Research Center late last night, I decided to take the night. I reset my escape pod to serve as a bed and turned in. I didn't want to ask for someplace to stay in the Research Center, I rather leave the place for those who really need it. I can't help but have apprehensions about being here. It's not all that far from the Pleiades: what if Thargoids attack here too?

So I'm spending today on rescue operations. People have a right to be safe for the new year.

And on that, happy new year to any commander who reads this. Fly safe.

End of log; Cyphermox out.
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