Logbook entry

Jan 1st, 3304: Regrouping

01 Jan 2018Cyphermox
It fairly quickly became clear that I wasn't in my place in the California nebula. Maybe I just am not quite the skilled commander I thought I was... or at least not to do fancy flying acrobatics for dogfighting. The area was strife with pirates. I managed to get away (with some damage to the ship) a couple of times, but I don't want to be a burden to the people there. There's already enough who need rescue, so if I can't carry my weight there, might as well give up.

I feel bad for leaving people behind. I can only hope that other commanders have better luck than me finding survivors, and better equipped ships for stopping pirates.

I went back to Darwin for a tune-up and refueling, then left to get back to HIP 105408 as soon as possible. The repairs had gotten expensive too, so I just needed to find some more work to not be caught stranded somewhere with no money for repairs if something bad happened.

I took a few jobs for the Kuun-Lan. I don't much like carrying weapons, but the money was good, those were non-lethal, and I was promised it was just meant to make sure the security forces were well equipped in general, not to quell some kind of dissidence in the region. It certainly seems legitimate. From what I can gather from the news, it looks like the systems here are pretty calm.

I delivered the weapons to Unsold Prospect. I got some credits for the job, and made a chunk more in selling scan data I got on the way from the California nebula. Not that bad.

I still have some data to deliver now, but I'll need to use the Wyvern for it. The outpost they're sending me too is just too small, no room for the Equinox. Eh. That means more work for me to transfer data from one ship computer to the other one.

Speaking of data, I recently heard of a commander by the name of Orion Starhunter; apparently he's been doing a lot of exploring  of the INRA bases. That stuff always interested me, but I just didn't get around to traveling to that region for that purpose just yet... Maybe I should try to contact that guy and see what he thinks, hints he could give about the interesting stuff to look at there, like that place they call Carmichael Point. Even if not, it could be fun to just fly with someone else, explore something, while I wait for the Corporation to contact me again.

We'll see. For now, there's work to do.

End of log; Cyphermox out.
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