Logbook entry

Jan 2, 3304: Looking for clues

03 Jan 2018Cyphermox
It was another busy day. I am now stopped at Extra Ring for a short while, so I can stretch my legs and catch some sleep.

I started by mining the painite Selene Jean requested. Just finding a suitable ore deposit took a while, good thing I had a good prospection module fitted. I was operating with fewer collector limpets, but that didn't really impede the result... It had to be done anyway to equip a fuel scoop on the Equinox in place of the collector controller I normally would use, so that I could immediately leave and do the 270 some lightyears voyage to the Kuk system to deliver the merchandise. Mining the painite and the trip to Kuk (with lots of small jumps to not unduly take risks by sitting near a star to scoop, as a duck ready to be shot down by pirates); landing at Prospector's Rest, working at the Equinox's hull with Selene, and the trip back took more than half the day.

I didn't have to spend so much time on the hull modifications, Selene's help was invaluable there. Reworking the alloy made it possible to improve the hull resistance by a decent amount without impacting its weight, and I'm glad that was the case. I would not have liked to sacrifice FSD range for hull strength. It's useful, sure, but I don't tend to bump into all that many things in general. It's just further insurance against an encounter with some of the less reputable members of the galaxy.

Once back at Binney Horizons I took the Wyvern to the outfitting department of the station and swapped some cargo racks for a fuel transfer controller. I was going out to search for clues about the INRA bases locations, and doing so requires investigating any signal that would be picked up by my ship's computer... I knew from experience that some commanders are less than careful about their fuel use, and if I could do a good deed, I'd feel good even if I didn't find any of the data I was looking for.

I left to wander around the nearby systems.

I did run into one distress signal, and it was indeed a commander who needed fuel. I think I spooked them with the fuel limpets too, and they briefly extended hardpoints before the limpet reached them.

I also ran into some wreackage. Not much was salvageable there, and there was very little data to recuperate. I did pick up some materials on the way to do further improvements to my fleet, but nothing exceptional. I just kept everything that I could in a small corner of the Wyvern and sold off whatever I could and didn't have a use for. I'm not real proud of it, but I may technically have "stolen" some of that salvage. I don't think anybody was going to come back for it though, and having an excuse to drop by black markets was another plus to talk to more people as I search for the data I need.

End of log; Cyphermox out.
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