Logbook entry

Jan 4, 3304: Searching for tech

04 Jan 2018Cyphermox
Yesterday I took the Equinox back to Sirius. I thought some more about that open contract with Marco Qwent for modular terminals, and thought I might as well give it another shot.

I spent most of the day searching. At first, I rented a decent Cobra-class ship so I could even go all the way to the smallest outposts to see if I could find any, and took many odd jobs on the way. That made sure I would have the necessary credits for the rental ship, but also if I had to buy some of these wretched things.

Eventually, I got bored of these jobs, and once at an outpost (I now cannot remember which, but probably in Avik) I looked at the posting board for passenger transport. Some of these promised modular terminals as well as credits as a reward! I jumped on the occasion.

I brought the rental Cobra back to Sirius and rented a Dolphin-class. I had prior experience flying these. To me, they feel a bit sluggish, like I expect driving "buses" would have been on Earth in the 21th century. After all, the goal is roughly the same: bring a lot of passengers from point A to point B, at a reasonable speed, and that requires a lot of space and weight. Those translate to some sluggishness...

So I saw a lot of medical professionals, and some refugees and tourists. It was a nice change of pace from flying my own fleet, where I usually am all alone in the ship, and most likely all alone for a few lightyears around.

I also joined up with CMDR Enoxiss again. He turned out to be close by in the Wyrd system, so we joined up in Luyten's Star to quickly catch up. He had been working at ship improvements he wanted me to assess. Turns out those were pretty darn good: really solid shielding, and stellar power management even when taxing the hardpoints pretty heavily. I tested my own little thing: I had built a modified control interface module where I could quickly cycle through subsystems on a target.

My modifications worked well, although the Dolphin rental is obviously not meant for combat. Come to think of it, bringing it there was even a little reckless. Enoxiss tested his own mods both against the rental (being careful to only just about take down the shields, which didn't take long at all), and against some pirates we found. Needless to say, the pirates were no match for the modified Anaconda-class.

I still need to gather some more modular terminals for Marco Qwent now, then I can finally get rid of this open contract that has been in the back of my mind for a while now.

Today, that is my plan. I still have the rental Dolphin, which I will use to ferry a few more passengers, hopefully not to Vela Dock, and gather the missing terminals if these jobs still offer them. Then I'll get back at the helm of the Equinox and head back.

End of log; Cyphermox out.
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