Logbook entry

Jun 17, 3304: The German Butt-clench.

18 Jun 2018Cyphermox
I'm on the way to Colonia now. I will stop on the way at Observation Post Epsilon, for a quick walk around the station, just to stretch my legs at a rough half-way point.

So far, the trip in the Adelphi, my new toy (a nice, well-fitted Cutter-class ship) has been pretty uneventful... For the most part.

I'm not usually careless when flying, but this time I've had a couple of scares with the fuel levels, trying to make my way as fast a possible. A few close calls, that forced me to be creative and use fuel injection synthesis to temporarily boost the range -- so I would make the same jump, using less fuel, to have just enough to make it to the next star where I can use the fuel scoop. It's been a straightforward "ooops, I had to scoop at this star, but I'm already away, and I can't be bothered to backtrack" with the very next jump also being to a scoopable-class star.

So I synthesize the materials for fuel injection from the ship (so very thankful for having well prepared for such eventualities), and carry on with the jump, after the obvious loud "Oops, crap, need fuel".

I'm here-by naming this the German Butt-clench manoeuver; both in honor of the old twentieth century "country" on Earth, and for the name of one of the elements necessary for this synthesis, and just because of what you do when you know you're cutting it just a bit too close for comfort with the fuel levels.

End of log; Cyphermox out.
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