Switching Gears...temporarily
02 Oct 2018Scubadog
I've been running missions out of Arexe in a locally-purchased and engineered Cobra for a couple of weeks now. Since I arrived back in the Core Systems at that time, with the purpose of purchasing a number of various modules and engineering them for shipping back home to Colonia Dream, I allowed myself to be lured into purchasing a Federation Corvette. True, I had to sell my stripped down Python to do it, but I can buy another Python back home. No such luck getting a Corvette out in Colonia. Obviously, a stock Corvette ain't worth much out in the black, and it would be a fool's errand to go traipsing around the Core in it until I got the thing engineered. Hence, the need for the Cobra. Cheap, flexible enough for most missions and I could get it engineered to a decent level pretty quickly. And since The Silverbacks had been able to hang out a shingle at Janes Horizons in Arexe, I wanted to do my part to assist in matters.
But, now I needed to get serious with engineering modules both for the Corvette and the ones to be shipped home later. For some reason, high-paying missions are few and far between these days. True enough, I was able to engineer a few things for the Corvette, but I had quickly depleted what few cashy reserves I'd banked. As much as I hate it, I realized I was going to have to go for the easy money. Passenger missions. This meant I had to store a number of my Corvette modules and outfit it with a variety of passenger cabins.
I just can't get over how much cashy money some of these folk are willing to pay to go sightseeing. I'm only armed with a couple of medium engineered beam weapons and an engineered torpedo launcher, which is to say I'm unarmed, but if I'm picky as to my missions and keep to the outskirts, I should be good. I can go out on a succession of milk runs and build my capital. I'll feel more comfortable, though, once I have enough to handle a re-buy. With a combo of Economy, Business and First Class cabins, I have plenty of flexibility. First goal, upgrade the modules I want to upgrade on the Corvette. Second goal, engineer them as needed. Third goal, repeat 1 and 1 and store those modules for transfer to Colonia Dream. Once all of that is done, I'll say my farewells to my Silverbacks family, strip the engineered modules from my Cobra so I can ship those to Colonia Dream, and then optimize my modules on the Corvette (leaving unnecessary ones stored for shipping, too). If I can get that tub up over 50ly jump range, I'm heading back home. I've said it before, I miss my sky.
Now, off to the grind!