Logbook entry

ENTRY #29 (24 AUG 3301)

24 Aug 2015Grifs Astoni
(24 AUG 3301)

As part of a joint weapons testing program between the AMF and Tachikaze Services Ltd., both companies have winged in unison in order to refine combat protocols and ship design efficiency regarding joint military operations.

The Amaterasu, originally commissioned as a commercial freighter to ship commodities in and out, has undergone a major overhaul from the role of a trading vessel into a company flagship - a path it shares with the AMF Tartarus. Recently retrofitted with high-end modules, the python-class ship offers a mixed range of armaments, including a pair of Class-2 Rail Guns for use in feint attack-and-retreat tactics, taking out shields and retreating enemies as it lines up for parthian-esque shots.

Following the accumulation of newly-acquired combat data, both ships have been sent back to their respective home systems for improvements and fine-tuning. Currently, the Tachikaze Services, Ltd. has not updated its fleet roster, preventing the ship profile of the Amaterasu to be released on schedule and be included in the article.

In any event, the AMF Tartarus has posted a new entry in its design blueprint, adding a few more staple variants along the list.
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