Logbook entry


28 Aug 2015Grifs Astoni

ESV MC-GL (Imperial Courier)

Design Goal:
Plan 1: Improve upon various capabilities of the ship with an all-rounder's design philosophy.
Alternative: Change the ship's role from being a lead fighter spacecraft into supplemental roles.

Planned Revision:
Life Support

ESV MC-GL Variant C


Having a cap of 720 MJs of deflecting power isn't necessary, as the ship required some of its modules to be powered down in order to recharge its shields. We plan to remove one 0A Shield Booster and replace the other with a 0C variant. While reducing maximum shield capacity by 112.52 MJs, the ship's overall utility weight has been decreased from 14 to 9.6 tons, freeing up 4.4 tons in that area.

As for the bulkheads, we plan to revise its lightweight alloy plating with miltary-grade composites. Along with a 3D Hull Reinforcement Package implemented into one of its free slots, weight will be increased by 16 tons while its armor will have been effectively almost doubled (from 204 to 360).

We are considering the ESV MC-GL's revision with a turreted set of C2 weaponry. Based on the combat data we have obtained from the SSV 93377, a maneuverable ship with automated weaponry should provide the pilot with more room to focus on flanking and blindside maneuvers. This also makes it easier for the pilot to harrass bigger ships.

We are also considering one of our previous choices during the first ESV project. We believe that this ship has the potential to be an effective sniping platform with rails. While hardpoint placing may not be ideal for simultaneous firing, this may be worked around by splitting apart three different hardpoints into two groups.


For a few added tons, we will be able to almost double its armor effectiveness and lessen the shield cap by a mere percentage. In case of a revision approval, we will keep the experimental variant for reference, as it seems to be more effective as a transport for important goods and other non-combat roles.
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