Logbook entry

ENTRY #12: (17 JUN 3301)

17 Jun 2015Grifs Astoni
[1] I've just gone back from a cold, uneventful haul from a nearby system. No hostiles nor anything worth of note were found roaming around in Princess Aisling's territory. Anyway, I might as well make a synopsis on current events while I have the time.


[1] The time is 4:02:31; location: Wababa; Roelofs Station.

I had to go back to my home system somewhere in federal space to pick up the pilot I trained. I suppose I shouldn't have left him alone and should've just brought him with me to imperial space in the first place. Thankfully, by the time I got there, the station was already under one of the imperial entities, which saved me a lot of trouble against Hudson's agents.

The trip took us a while to travel about 300LY due to the need to take long cuts and avoid hostile territory. Not to mention trying to get him used to falling in FSD formation and navigating around civilized space.

Funny how a freelance pilot, turned federal black ops, is now handling media distribution and some other crap for a blue-haired, royal brat. I have no regrets though, considering some of the assets I've found here. The trading data I've procured is even better than what I had in the [REDACTED] system. I've also shared some valuable trade data for smaller ships to my trainee, in exchange for his services furthermore as a wingman against incursions.

In any case, I'll keep in touch in case something worth of note comes up. Signing out.
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