Logbook entry

ENTRY #13: (21 JUN 3301)

21 Jun 2015Grifs Astoni
[1] The time is 7:50:56; location: Cubeo; MRV Tartarus.

An accident just occured in docking bay 06 a few hours ago. One of the shipment of palladium stored in there had just been sabotaged and blown up. My helmet's feed was able to capture it.

I don't know what exactly happened, but I've been hearing rumors from the station workers that the Kumo Crew is responsible for the shipment's destruction. Lockdown doesn't seem to be in effect though, so security is still pretty minimal here. I'm pretty sure that whoever did it will be able to leave the station unscathed.

Rumors are just rumors, although if it really is them, it's probably just one of their methods to send off traders from this system, I don't know. The Kumo Crew hate me in general and have expressed nothing but violence whenever I saw any of them.

Hopefully, this is just one of those silly journals that I can laugh at when I look back.

[2] Ok, I'm convinced this area isn't safe. I'm moving out so I can monitor this cesspool from a safer place. [3]


Additional Notes:

[1] I was having some nice, weird imperial cuisine in one of Aisling's stations in Cubeo when a bunch of cargo nearby had been blown to bits. I've decided to write a log about it, since it could be something worth noting in case I needed to recall this event.

[2] What the fuck? My ship suddenly shut down for a few minutes. I've gotten the thing back online, but the shields need time to recharge. I'm gonna get the hell out of this station once she's all full.

[3] Shields are up, I'm heading out. Better inform my trainee if I can reach him too; I haven't been lucky making contact with him these past few days.
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