Logbook entry

ENTRY #14: (24 JUN 3301)

24 Jun 2015Grifs Astoni
The time is 8:42:55; location: [REDACTED]; MRV Tartarus.

Lately, incursions have become a lot more frequent. I needed to improve the armaments installed on one of my larger cargo ships, so I made my way to the [REDACTED] system for a wider selection of ordnance. [1] One day, I was laying low, testing out some newly-bought guns in a hunting-grounds spot for criminals and bounty hunters alike, and there he was - doing the same thing as I.

It was the pilot I trained back in federal space; the guy who I brought with to Aisling's territory - with his trusty old Eagle.

He said that he had set up his base of operations nearby to avoid the Kumo Crew. I guess you could say that he was already one step ahead of me - that or they went after him first.

We winged up immediately, but had to go our separate ways later on to cover our tracks, not before killing enough scum and showing the system authorities how they were doing a pretty shitty job on local police work.

Did I forget to mention that both of us would be in a majestically, fucked situation if these space cannibals decided to board the ship and capture us? That's even worse than death, considering what kind of a sickbag Archon Delaine's brain is, and the other turrets were also out of ammo; I wouldn't have anything else to defend against boarding ships.

In any case, I'm heading back to [REDACTED] for some more retrofitting as I'm finishing up some last few words in this log. I suppose I'll just claim the few-million bounties when I'm not on the radar any longer.


Additional Notes:

[1] Packed some rail guns in my 'conda just so I can hit some targets around >2.5km, which seems to be working pretty well so far. If sniping was this easy, I might as well consider putting some on the Imperial Courier that I just left to rust.
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