Logbook entry

ENTRY #15: (27 JUN 3301)

27 Jun 2015Grifs Astoni
The time is 4:26:02; location: Moram; Tapinus Ring.

I guess we all have do it some time. I'm prepping my ship as we speak, getting ready for exploration. My wingman finally went back to his home and ended up somewhere in federal space. Chances of me going back are well, I don't know - totally unknown, but I've gotten one of the biggest fuel scoops available out there. I think I've done enough for Aisling's Angels that I want to leave out everything and explore out there, into the unknown.

In case I don't come back, at least I know some people who I can finally trust enough to know what to do next, especially in the case of an extra-terrestrial threat. Funny how I'm usually the scared, paranoid guy when it comes to these things. Now, I suddenly want to go out there - in the black, despite all the dangers I might face. I don't even know how explain it properly, it just seems illogical when viewed from a second or third person perspective.

If only I could take the U. Lazarus II with me, as it's one of the ships I'm most attached to, but it doesn't really have a long jump range to be optimized for traveling.

Well, whatever; enough brooding. Anyway, if I do come back, it'd probably take months, or years. Fly safe, everyone.

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