Logbook entry

ENTRY #15.7 (06 JUL 3301)

06 Jul 2015Grifs Astoni

Time: Unspecified
Location: BLU AIN PM-M B49-75
Ship: AMF Terminus (Anaconda-class ship)

A Class I Gas Giant with an icy ring. Nearby giant stars make this spot pretty eye-candy.

BLU AIN PM-M B49-75 A 6:
Earth Masses: 10.1579
Radius: 31,658KM
Surface Temperature: 50K
Atmosphere: 73.0% H; 27.0% He
Orbital Period: 3,619 days
Semi-Major Axis: 3.16 AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.0014
Orbital Inclination: 0.99 deg
Argument of Periapsis: 120.62 deg
Rotational Period: 0.4 days
Axial Tilt: -29.87 deg

Ring Type: Icy
Mass: 109,159,587840. MT
Semi-Major Axis: 0.00 AU
Inner Radius: 47,005KM
Outer Radius: 75,395KM

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