Logbook entry

ENTRY #16.6 (07 JUL 3301)

07 Jul 2015Grifs Astoni

Time: Unspecified
Location: OGAIMY PB-E C12-991
Ship: AMF Terminus (Anaconda-class ship)

The second Class Y Dwarf I've seen with another metal-rich ring around it, in addition to having two more varied orbital planes. The stats are pretty varied compared to the one on EODGOLS KQ-Y D134. The view is less spectacular though.

OGAIMY PB-E C12-991 2:
Class Y Dwarf
Age: 4,012 million years
Solar Masses: 0.0156
Solar Radius: 0.0697
Surface Temp: 460.00K
Orbital Period: 5,548.6 days
Semi-Major Axis 5.58AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.0002
Orbital Inclination: -3.02 deg
Argument of Periapsis: 80.54 deg

Belt Type: Metal Rich
Mass: 10,894,576,713,728 MT
Semi Major Axis: 0.00AU
Inner Radius: 101,018KM
Outer Radius: 611,923KM

The rings are bigger than the last one. The surface seems to be hot that when I left the area, as my ship took a bit of damage when I entered supercruise. Colors on the outer ring seem to be different in color as well, although approaching them proved otherwise; probably just some sort of optical phenomenon.

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