Logbook entry

ENTRY #21 (10 JUL 3301)

10 Jul 2015Grifs Astoni
(10 JUL 3301)

Following the recent disappearance of the AMF Terminus during an expeditionary mission, a second ship was commissioned to continue trading and restore the fleet's assets. Its replacement was fully covered by the first Terminus's insurance, preventing its assets from fully heading south.

While information regarding the ship's current state is scarce, possibilities such as technical issues in communication were hard to rule out. However, Galnet was quick to prove otherwise and claimed that the ship was certainly destroyed - details disclosed only to the two parties. Its last known location was somewhere in the Shirogaei IV-F sector, a few thousand lightyears to the galactic core.

In any event, the launch of the second Terminus followed, continuing the role of its predecessor prior to its voyage in uncivilized space. While there are no plans to survey the last known location of the ship, the AMF simply stated that it has not officially closed the case.

A detailed entry of the AMF Terminus II has been added into the fleet profile, replacing that of its predecessor's entry.
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