Logbook entry

ENTRY #24 (16 JUL 3301)

16 Jul 2015Grifs Astoni
(16 JUL 3301)

While the MTJL-SC has been performing well so far, the AMF has decided to step up its game by optimizing one of its escort vessels. One of which was under the Experimental Security Vessel Program, another project halted since the first Terminus's launch due to the lack of resources. Resumed with a new design philosophy in mind, the AMF is pushing the unit out of prototype phase to make sure it succeeds as an independent high-performance interceptor.

Outfitted with a Prismatic Shield Generator (an experimental module), the unit was able to reach 720 MJs of deflecting power, being on par or even better than most of the bigger ships; majority are around 400-1000, with a few ever reaching 1400 MJ.

Despite the impressive shield capacity for its size, the unit suffers from power shortages if all modules were activated simultaneously. Apart from that, recent tests show that heat management is also unstable, hence the safety protocol for activating its shield cells banks will be done on a timed sequence.

While the ship is undergoing refinement in its field of specialization and in addition to a finalized weapons system, the company has contracted an independent CMDR under the Pilot's Federation to provide an auxiliary role during its test phases.

The ship profile of the ESV MC-GL has also been added back to the fleet, replacing the entry of the first variant under the program.
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