Logbook entry

ENTRY #28 (07 AUG 3301)

07 Aug 2015Grifs Astoni
(07 AUG 3301)

In relation to the recent events surrounding the Empire, most notably Emperor Hengist Duval's death, the AMF has decided to terminate its contract with Aisling Duval's power in advance. Contract renewal will not be possible any time soon due to the company's preference in remaining unaligned regarding the Empire's current crisis. Plans for a renewal are also unlikely, as the AMF has already made a decision to maintain neutrality on all major powers.

While not exactly in bad terms with the princess's power, the AMF has assessed the possible threat against extremists within her branch and has raised its alert status to substantial, which will result in an increased amount of security measures for an undisclosed time. In the meantime, the AMF will continue to provide services in Imperial space as an independent outsourcing company.

A security report has been written regarding the AMF's alert state, which also includes a list of deployed ships.
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