Logbook entry


12 Mar 2016Grifs Astoni

Recently sold to further fund the AMF's fleet maintenance and retrofit protocols, the Lazarus II has been decommissioned in favor of the Pandemonium. The maintenance crew have decided that the aging equipment had to go, which was due to the recent temperature issues with the shield cell banks, other combat-essential internals that were beyond repair, and mostly due to wear-and-tear.

While a full parts replacement would have been a simpler solution, most of the modules were already phased out of the market, and maintaining the ship would have disrupted logistics within the fleet. Fleet strategists have also confirmed that the ship will not survive in prolonged fights - if engaged by either a wing of smaller ships or a single ship with the same class, such as the recently upgraded FDL.

The ship profile has been removed and archived for possible future reference. The archived profile may viewed below.

Python-class ship outfitted for combat and specialized for disabling frigate-sized ships.

[Astoni Merchant Fleet Lazarus II]:

Since the company's recent feat of reaching 1 billion net worth of assets, the ship was given a new variant designation and role (P-LZII-D; Python-Lazarus II-Destroyer). The ship's design philosophy has undergone a huge revision from being a multi-role ship into a dedicated destroyer. Originally designed to be the jack of all trades, the ship is still able to perform different roles outside of combat, albeit not as efficient as the older design; the P-LZII-D excels in combat.


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