Logbook entry

Mistakes part 4

16 Oct 2017Darthjazzhands
Comtinued from "Mistakes Part 3"

The bouncer toyed with Doyle's credit chip as he stared at the place the girl and the waitress should have been.

He had left Doyle and Ivan then returned to the booth to find it cleaned up and empty. The slight scent of the girl’s vomit still lingered but was now masked by scented candles and cleaning fluids. The shoji screen was still in place to keep patrons from taking the table.

A quick glance around had showed him that the crew of Imperial slaves did their jobs well. They had moved several nearby customers to better tables and likely comped a drink or two. He walked calmly to the bar and met the bartender’s eye. With a jerk of his chin toward the kitchen, the bartender answered his question before it was asked. The girl had been taken to the back.

All but one of the kitchen staff had studiously ignored him as he walked toward the break room, the only place the girl could have been taken to rest. The dishwasher, an old man, broke away from his post to follow. His expression told him he had bad news to share.

So it hadn’t surprised the bouncer that the break room was empty when he arrived in the doorway. He hadn’t heard him coming but the kitchen acoustics had changed slightly and he sensed the dishwasher was now at his shoulder.

“Out the back,” the old man whispered. “The girl was was in bad shape… half awake, stumbling, and mumbling. Repeated a dock number over and over again.”

“And the server girl?” the bouncer whispered back.

“Red took my advice. She kept trying to convince the gal to get her ass to the hospital to get her gut pumped.” And before the bouncer could ask he added, “Don't know for sure which they ended up choosing but I'd wager the dock.”

“Wagering is what landed you here, Doc. So I'll bet you this credit chip, they land at the hospital.”

The old man wheezed a laugh, “No bet. I'll be paid up in two months, kiddo.”

“Thanks, Doc.” The bouncer smiled as he watched the old man return to his mess of dishes. He would miss the old coot. He turned his gaze back to the break room and his grin faded immediately.

The bouncer toyed with Doyle's credit chip as he stared at the place the girl and the waitress should have been.

"Crap," he muttered to himself.

(To be continued)
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