Cmdr Zenoe
Space cowboy / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Shadow War
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Fer-de-Lance X10-09
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Logbook entry

Nostromo Log #2

19 May 2020Zenoe





05/18/3306 08:38 [Nostromo]
>>>Got an early start today.  Current location is Synuefe AX-O B53-5, approximately 270ly away from home. Landed on Planet 5E. Taking the SRV out to look for phosphorus, and anything else that could be of use.

05/18/3306 09:04 [SRV]
>>>Oh cool I can record in here too...dammit...

05/18/3306 09:05 [SRV]
>>>I've been roaming the planet for about 20 minutes now. I wonder if this is streaming to the ship? I'll have check when I get back on board. (clears throat) I managed to find some materials, but there's a signal showing up on my wave scanner that I'm gonna go check out.

05/18/3306 09:18 [SRV]
>>>The signal led me to a crashed Nav Beacon. Strange, considering my location. Scanned the beacon, parsed the data, and created a DPI (Data Point Intel) package for a little bit extra income. Gonna explore more.

05/18/3306 09:50 [SRV]
>>>I followed another signal and it led me to the crash site of what looks like a Condor SLF. There are two survivors. Again, strange considering that Condors are usually single seat shits--ships. There's also some cargo I might be able to sell when I get back. Looks like we have...lets see...3T of Narcotics. That may be a problem. and...1T of Personal Weapons. Might be able to fetch a good price for that. Still strange that there's cargo at this crash site. I wonder if the mother ship is nearby...?

05/18/3306 10:00 [SRV]
>>>I brought the escape pods back to the Nostromo, I'll have the Doc wake them up when I'm done collecting what I can use.

05/18/3306 10:04 [Nostromo]
>>>(Over intercomm) Doc, I need you in the Medbay ASAP.
>>>Copy that.

05/18/3306 10:07 [Nostromo]
>>>Yes, Commander?
>>>I found survivors. Can you wake them up?
>>>Let me see...vitals look good, stable...Escape pods look intact...ok, waking them up. They will have to be quaran--
>>>48 hours.
>>>Always prepared. I'm sure they would like to stretch their legs anyway (laughs). Who knows how long they've been out there?

05/18/3306 10:19 [Nostromo]
>>>Take it slow. You're both safe.
>>>Where are we?
>>>You're aboard the Nostromo. A Type-9 Heavy class mining and exploration vessel. You were both found at a nearby crash site. My name is Zenoe, I'm the commander of this ship. The guy in there with you is Evans, He's the doctor and will be taking care of you for the next couple of days.
>>>That's correct. Do--
>>>I have a question.
>>>We'll answer questions in a minute, first I have a few questions for you. Just general check up questions. Do you feel any dizziness or lightheadedness?
>>>Good. What do you remember before the crash? Please state your name before recounting.
>>>Garrett. I was testing out the new prototype SLF, thrusters malfunctioned and that was it. Next thing I know, I'm here. I don't even remember hitting the ground.
>>>And you, sir?
>>>Jacob. I saw Garrett go down and set out to land. Truth be told, that's it.
>>>There weren't any other ships nearby. What prototype were you testing?
>>>I can't answer that.
>>>Do you know what year it is?
>>>Garrett, Jacob. I don't know how to say this any easier two have been out here for four years. Today is Monday, May 18, 3306.
>>>Once you're out of quarantine, you'll have access to your own fully loaded personal quarters.
>>>Thank you both. We owe you our lives.
>>>Hey, you guys do maintenance? Most of the ships systems are automated except maintenance. You guys'll be getting paid when we get back, you have my word. Everything is recorded here; audio and video.
>>>Where are you headed?
>>>TYC 8959-364-2. And that's just a starting point.
>>>Exploration or mining?
>>>I'm in.
>>>Good. Now get some rest, both of you.

05/18/3306 23:40 [Nostromo]
>>>On my seemingly never-ending quest for phosphorus, I wound up on an icy planet that not only has phosphorus, but other materials I need. Upon entry glide, I noticed a gorgeous canyon off in the distance and decided to check it out. I had no intentions of landing anywhere near it, I just wanted to take some pictures. I think I'll find a spot to land and call it a night.

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︎3 Shiny!
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